
Fishing Final Layout

This is my final layout for the fishing magazine spread. I think it turned out nicely. I was able to successfully manage the text, I think partially due to copy-fitting the given copy beforehand in creating the marker comp. That was exciting, to have it actually work! I made very few changes to the final layout from the marker comp. I think the only change was made in the header. I found that the headline was easier to read on the dark blue background if it was in white, but I also added a black stroke and a drop shadow to draw even more emphasis to the headline so that it would not blend into the photograph in the background. I also forgot to include the byline in the marker comp, so I added that into the final. My final pull quote was shorter than I anticipated in the comp, however, I believe this shorter quote works better with the layout and is worthy of being a pull quote. Overall, I think the design was successful and I am anxious to see how it prints out.

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